7 Tips For Road Trips With Your Pets

By: Gabriella Dill

The two most common pets you may be going on a road trip with are cats and dogs. Most dogs love car rides. They usually love to stick their head out of the window and feel the wind in their ears! Cats on the other hand generally don’t love the car; you’re a lucky cat parent if your cat likes going for rides. Driving with your pets may seem a little daunting at first, but these tips should help ease your worries and get you to your destination with everyone happy!

  1. Make sure you have an easy-to-read tag on their collar with their name and your contact information. If you’re able to, it’s a great idea to have them microchipped! It’s important that your furbabies can be identified quickly if they happen to get out of your care so they can be returned to you safely.
  2. Plan lots of stops during your drive. Your pets will need food, water, and bathroom breaks, just like you! If you have a dog, you can put them on a leash and give them a quick walk around. If you have a cat, make sure you bring along a litter box that they can access during the breaks.
  3. If you will be traveling overnight and staying in a hotel, motel, Airbnb, etc. make sure to confirm that they are pet-friendly.
  4. Pack extras! Pack extra food, treats, toys, litter. You want to be prepared for whatever you may encounter on your trip and having extra means you won’t be stressed or worried if you run out of something!
  5. Based on the weather you should plan to be with your pet for the majority, if not all, of the car ride. You should never leave your animal in the car when it is too hot or too cold.
  6. Cats should be kept in a carrier. This is not only for their protection but for yours as well. A cat crawling all over you could cause serious driving impairments. There are many options these days for dogs besides a crate. They even make doggie seat belts so your dog can ride shotgun with you!
  7. CONSULT YOUR VET! Some pets get anxiety and motion sickness on car rides so consult with your vet before your trip. They may be able to give you additional tips and potentially even some medication to help your pets have a less stressful car ride.

Driving with your pets gives you so much more flexibility than any other mode of transportation. It also allows you to have your pet in your care at all times ensuring your pets’ safety. Pets are part of the family so you want to make sure they are as comfortable as they can be in a potentially stressful situation. These tips should help you be prepared and get excited about your trip with your furry loved ones!

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