Requirements for Expat Auto Insurance
If you finance or lease a vehicle, your financing company will require you to secure car insurance.
Finding car insurance for Expats in the United States at affordable rates can be a challenge. Insurance companies factor in your U.S. credit score when determining your auto insurance premium. Since Expats who are new to the country do not have a credit history in the country they face higher premiums. That is, if you decide to go directly to the insurance companies for coverage.
As a leader in Expat car financing and leasing, International AutoSource (IAS) has developed relationships with insurance companies that allow us to offer auto insurance to Expats for the same rates a typical American receives in the United States. Going through IAS can mean hundreds of dollars in savings on car insurance.
Keep reading to see how much your credit score will impact your auto premium when working with a traditional insurance company.
How a Credit Score Impacts Your Auto Insurance Premium
WalletHub recently conducted a study to uncover the states where credit data has the most, and least significant impact on your insurance premiums. WalletHub reached out to five major auto insurance companies to receive price quotes for two hypothetical customers; one with excellent credit, and one with no credit. The results showed that in most states the customer with no credit received inflated price quotes, with the no-credit-customer paying as much as 114% more.
The map below shows how much more the customer with no credit will pay in comparison to the customer with good credit.

Car Leasing and Financing for Expats
IAS offers Expats full-service personal transportation solutions for financing, purchasing and leasing without a local credit history and worldwide car rental. Our financing, purchasing and leasing programs provide cost savings ranging from hundreds to thousands of dollars on a vehicle, saving our customers valuable time and resources while building a much-needed local credit history. Expats can start the process to finance, purchase, or lease a vehicle without a Social Security Number.
Our programs are designed for your peace of mind by making your new vehicle purchase safe, convenient and enjoyable! Exclusive guarantees for your assurance include lowest price guarantee (Preferred program only), satisfaction guarantee, and delivery date guarantee. Contact us for more information.