Getting Through Rush Hour With Ease

Rush hour is one of the most frustrating experiences when driving, especially in the United States. The streets are crowded, there is bumper to bumper traffic, and the lights seem like they take forever to change. It is easy for drivers to become flustered.

If there were ever a time to stay calm and carry on, it is during rush hour. Here are a couple of helpful hints to enjoy the ride.

Be Patient

Rush hour always is likely to be the same time every day, from 7:30 am to 9:30 am and from 4:00 pm to 7:00 p.m. (times may vary based on where you reside) These are the time’s drivers are most likely driving to and from work. It’s always best to check your local news for patterns and updates. Give yourself enough time to make it to your destination without having to rush. Having ample time will help relieve any anxiety you have to be timely.

Stop, Relax and Listen

Use this extra time to relax. Turn on your radio to your favorite station or podcast and enjoy. You can also stay updated regarding your favorite sports teams, the news or current events. By listening to the radio or podcast, you enjoy it allows your mind to be free and focus on the lyrics or words and not the traffic. Staying calm will make the time go faster, and you will be a safer driver.

Related: The ‘Car Coach’ shares how to be a courteous driver

HOV Lane

On many highways, there is the option of using the HOV (high-occupancy vehicle) lane. Also known as the Carpool lane or the Diamond lane, the HOV lane is dedicated to those who are traveling with two or more people in the car. HOV lanes were created to increase average vehicle occupancy and individuals traveling with the goal of reducing congestion. The more people that carpool and utilize the HOV lane, the shorter your travel time will be as fewer vehicles are on the road. HOV lanes are an integral part of helping the environment as less cars are polluting the air.

Always be sure to read the signs to appropriately enter and exit from the lane. Find a friend or a co-worker in your area to carpool with and take advantage of not only driving with less congestion but having some company for your commute.

Related: Driving in the USA: What is the HOV lane?

Stay off Your Phone

The number one cause of accidents during rush hour is simple to avoid. Stay off your phone! Not only is using a phone and driving against the law, but it’s distracting to you and other drivers. Using features such as bluetooth or speakerphone will help keep not only you, but other drivers stay safe on the road.

Don’t Be This Guy

These are just a few quick tips to stay safe and make your ride an enjoyable one!



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