How we’re making sure your assignees are safe and mobile

We’re here to help you plan ahead for your assignees vehicle needs

Amid the on-going discussions about the return of global mobility, many headlines indicate that car ownership will be an essential part of the recovery process. As your customers and clients begin their planning of on-hold relocations, and duty of care corporate policy adjustments begin to take shape we encourage you to include the vehicle finance and lease needs of assignees as a matter of importance.

8 reasons to have your assignees begin their vehicle selection now

Order Now: The average consumer may spend up to 30 days shopping for a vehicle. Whether a move is imminent, or in the foreseeable future, customers should begin the process as early as possible to ensure their vehicle is ready on arrival.

Safe Shopping: IAS is a single-source solution for any make or model, new or used. From initial shopping through delivery, assignees can safely manage their entire new car process without the need to visit dealerships and interact with many different people.

Flexible Delivery: Recognizing the fluidity of international relocations during this period IAS can gladly accommodate any assignee arrival changes or holds. We can customize delivery dates to meet their needs.

Credit Approval: Financial institutions have indicated an impending tightening of credit requirements in the U.S. and abroad. IAS offers Expatriates financing and leasing approval at competitive rates without a local credit history.

Savings: Manufacturers are offering significant incentives for vehicle purchases. IAS is the largest global distributor of vehicles, and our manufacturer direct partnerships allow us to offer these unprecedented discounts to our customers.

Price Protection: The pricing provided to our customers when they place an order is guaranteed and will be the price at delivery.

Reduced Deposits: IAS is reducing the deposit requirement for orders from $1,000 to $300!

Risk-Free Ordering: If any assignee relocation is canceled or terminated due to the impact of COVID-19, any deposit money placed on an order will be refunded.

Over the last 25 years, IAS has supported the transportation requirements of over 50,000 assignees. We continue to refine and develop programs offering flexible solutions and benefits allowing your assignees to begin their vehicle selection now. Contact us to start planning ahead for your assignees vehicle needs.

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