Plan For The Big Move: Transportation Checklist

Moving to the USA for a new work assignment can be an exciting, yet stressful time. We have compiled a comprehensive list of things within 6 core categories to keep in mind for your move to the USA. Your situation will be unique and most likely have other considerations to add to this checklist but our intent is to help get you started in planning ahead. Make sure to research, understand, and take advantage of what resources your employer provides to support you with items on this checklist. Most importantly, plan ahead as much as you can, take one step at a time, and stay calm.


Research, select, and arrange for your family’s personal transportation needs as soon as you can to minimize interim short-term rental vehicle costs.

  • Determine whether buying, leasing or long-term renting your vehicle[s] is best for your situation, needs, and budget.
  • Consider a vehicle sourcing company that specializes in vehicle financing and leasing programs for expats without U.S. credit history.
  • Arrange for local driver’s license.

Arrange for required auto insurance coverage.

  • Contact your current auto insurance policy holder and get copies of your claims records.
  • Research best method to obtain low rate auto insurance without a U.S. driving record.
  • Take online defensive driving courses to improve your confidence, learn U.S. regulations, and potentially lower your auto insurance rates.

Download the full relocation checklist to see what items every expatriate should consider when planning a move to the USA.

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