Experiencing The DMV In The USA

If you’re planning to drive in the United States, you will need to visit the Department of Motor Vehicles, most commonly referred to as the DMV.

The DMV is the place in the United States to get a driver’s license, a non-driver’s license photo ID, and to register your car. If you’re financing, leasing, or purchasing your car from International AutoSource, you will be making a trip to your local DMV.

Each state in the United States has their own DMV system, and sometimes the name may vary. It is known as the Motor Vehicle Commission in New Jersey, the Texas Department of Public Safety, and the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. While the names of the DMV may be different from state-to-state, what you can rely on is this: if you will be obtaining a vehicle or driving during your stay in the United States, a visit to the DMV is certainly in your future.

Once you purchase your vehicle, you will need to pay state and local tax, license and registration fees, and obtain insurance for your vehicle. These costs are not included in the price of your vehicle, and everyone must satisfy the requirements in the state which you are relocating to.

Below is a list of each state with a link to their Department of Motor Vehicle website. Use these links to research the requirements in your state!

Alaska: http://doa.alaska.gov/dmv/

Alabama: https://revenue.alabama.gov/motor-vehicle/

Arizona: https://www.azdot.gov/home

Arkansas: https://www.dfa.arkansas.gov/motor-vehicle

California: https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/dmv

Colorado: https://www.colorado.gov/dmv

Connecticut: http://www.ct.gov/dmv/site/default.asp

Delaware: https://www.dmv.de.gov/

Washington DC: https://dmv.dc.gov/

Florida: https://www.flhsmv.gov/

Georgia: https://dds.georgia.gov/

Hawaii: http://hidot.hawaii.gov/highways/safe-communites/motorcycle/motor-vehicle-registration/

Idaho: https://itd.idaho.gov/itddmv/

Illinois: http://www.cyberdriveillinois.com/

Indiana: https://www.in.gov/bmv/index.htm

Iowa: https://iowadot.gov/mvd/motor-vehicle-home

Kansas: https://www.ksrevenue.org/dovindex.html

Kentucky: https://drive.ky.gov/Pages/default.aspx

Louisiana: https://offices.omv.la.gov/

Maine: https://www.maine.gov/sos/bmv/

Maryland: http://www.mva.maryland.gov/

Massachusetts: https://www.mass.gov/orgs/massachusetts-registry-of-motor-vehicles

Michigan: https://www.michigan.gov/sos

Minnesota: https://dps.mn.gov/Pages/default.aspx

Mississippi: https://www.ms.gov/dps/license_renewal/

Missouri: https://dor.mo.gov/

Montana: https://dojmt.gov/driving/

Nebraska: https://dmv.nebraska.gov/

Nevada: http://nevadadmv.state.nv.us/index.htm

New Hampshire: https://www.nh.gov/safety/divisions/dmv/

New Jersey: https://www.state.nj.us/mvc/

New Mexico: http://www.mvd.newmexico.gov/

New York: https://dmv.ny.gov/

North Carolina: https://www.ncdot.gov/DMV/Pages/default.aspx

North Dakota: http://www.dot.nd.gov/

Ohio: https://www.bmv.ohio.gov/

Oklahoma: https://www.ok.gov/dps/

Oregon: https://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/DMV/pages/index.aspx

Pennsylvania: https://www.dmv.pa.gov/Pages/default.aspx/

Rhode Island: http://www.dmv.ri.gov/

South Carolina: http://www.scdmvonline.com/

South Dakota: http://dor.sd.gov/Motor_Vehicles/

Tennessee: https://www.tn.gov/safety/driver-services/online.html

Texas: https://www.txdot.gov/

Utah: https://dmv.utah.gov/

Vermont: https://dmv.vermont.gov/

Virginia: https://www.dmv.virginia.gov/#/

Washington: https://www.dol.wa.gov/

West Virginia: https://transportation.wv.gov/dmv/Pages/default.aspx

Wisconsin: https://wisconsindot.gov/Pages/online-srvcs/external/dmv.aspx

Wyoming: http://www.dot.state.wy.us/home.html

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