International AutoSource gives back to the Hospicio De San Jose Orphanage in Manila, Philippines


International AutoSource is committed to improving the quality of life for those worldwide. During a recent visit to Manila in the Philippines, James Krulder, General Manager of International AutoSource and Joann Salvacion, Business Development Manager, had their annual visit to the Hospicio De San Jose Orphanage.

As part of the International AutoSource gives back initiative, International AutoSource presented the orphanage with a check in the amount of $4,500. This $4,500 donation will be used to provide schooling for several children within the orphanage. The employees of International AutoSource also collected crayons, coloring books and toys to donate to the children. While having lunch the children put on a singing and dancing show for James and Joann. The children put on quite a show, They were even nice enough to teach James some new Filipino dance moves, (see photos below)

International AutoSource would like to extend a very special thank you to their Healthcare customers and partners for helping to make this donation possible.

We look forward to continuing to make future donations and being able to help more children at the Hospicio de San Jose Orphanage in Manila.

“It is our responsibility as individuals and a global organization to give back in anyway we can to help those in need. I am humbled by the opportunity to spend time with these wonderful children, laughing, dancing and eating. We had such a wonderful time getting to know them. Hospicio De San Jose does an excellent job caring for all of these children. Keep up the good work, God Bless”- James Krulder General Manager International AutoSource

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