British words that have invaded America

While both countries speak English, it is widely known (and joked about) that there are major differences between British English and American English. Over time, as the world has become more global and Brits and Americans are moving across the pond more often, the two languages are crossing over more and more. Just as American English has invaded Britain, many British terms can be heard being used more frequently across the United States.

Author Cordelia BritianHebblethwaite from BBC Magazine wrote an article titled Britishisms and the Britishisation of American English’. In it she highlighted some of the British terms that can be heard in the USA. Some of the words she pointed out included the term ‘Ginger’ as a way to describe a redhead, as well as ‘cheeky’, and ‘the long game’.

RELATED: 10 Signs You’re Americanized 

BBC readers enjoyed the article so much, they started submitting their own Britishisms to the magazine who then choose 30 to highlight. Read some of the submitted Britishisms below and let us know what you think should be added to the list!

Bloody, adj. and adv. An intensifier: absolute, downright, utter. Sometimes in a negative sense.

Cheers, sentence substitute. A drinking toast, goodbye, or thanks.

Fancy, v. With reference to fondness or liking.

Gap year, n. A year’s break taken by a student between leaving school and starting further education.

Wonky, adj. Shaky or unsteady.

Read the rest of the Britishisms on BBC here: 30 of your Britishisms used by Americans

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