IAS Gives Back to Hospicio de San Jose, Philippines.

James Krulder, Director, Vicki Ragavanis, Senior Business Development Manager, and Joann Salvacion, Business Development Manager

International AutoSource (IAS) is committed to improving the quality of life for those worldwide. As a part of the IAS Gives Back initiative, International AutoSource makes a donation to Hospicio de San Jose in Manila, the Philippines for every vehicle purchased through their healthcare program. Hospicio de San Jose is a Catholic welfare institution and a home for orphans, special needs children and the elderly. Since 2010, IAS has been traveling to the Philippines spending an afternoon visiting with the children. During their visit earlier this month, James Krulder, Vicki Ragavanis, and Joann Salvation presented the orphanage with a check for $12,500. This donation will be used to provide schooling and necessities such as diapers, and medicine for the institution.

When asked about his recent travels, Director James replied, “Today is one of the most rewarding days for IAS and me personally. I have the honor of representing 35 dedicated and hardworking employees by delivering a check of $12,500 to the Hospicio de San Jose Orphanage in the Philippines. This donation accounts for a contribution for each who purchased or leased a car as part of our Healthcare program.”

Over the past seven years, IAS has shown their support by donating over $40,000 to the orphanage and look forward to making future contributions. To learn more about the Hospicio de San Jose visit their Facebook Page.

“We would like to extend a special thanks to our Healthcare customers and partners for making this donation possible. As an organization, we are committed to improving the quality of life worldwide. This donation is a reflection of the hard work and dedication of the IAS team” – Vicki Ragavanis

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