What To Do If You Are In A Car Accident Checklist

Getting into an unexpected car accident can be an unsettling experience. Here at IAS, we want you to be prepared if such circumstances occur. Below is a checklist covering what to do if you are in a car accident.

Stay calm and assess the situation. Move to a safe location and determine if anyone is injured. Call 911 to report the accident and any injuries. Take photos of both vehicles, any damage, the scene and license plates. Write down insurance information, name, and vehicle details of the other driver. Gather contact information of the driver and witnesses to the accident. Provide your name and insurance information to the police. Call your insurance company to file claim and wait for further instructions.

Note: This advice applies to accidents when you are not seriously injured. If you are seriously injured, call 911 immediately, or if you cannot, try to get the attention of someone else, and wait for the ambulance to arrive.


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