ERC WEBINAR: The US Transportation Conundrum | July 8, 2014


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The US Transportation Conundrum: Infrastructure, Credit & Managing your Assignees’ Vehicle Requirements

DATE: July 8, 2014
TIME: 2:00 (EST)
Focus: U.S. Domestic
CE Credit: CRP

Globalization has opened the world to new opportunities, greater resources and mobile talent. Every destination has its own unique set of challenges. Each year thousands of Expats enter the United States with little or no knowledge of the challenges they will face, including the local transportation infrastructure, lack of local credit history and acquiring a vehicle. In this session, we discuss these challenges in depth, provide solutions and examine ways to manage your assignees’ vehicle requirements.


Vicki D. Ragavanis
Business Development Manager
International  AutoSource

Lynn Griffiths
Sr. Business Development Manager
International AutoSource

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